Livro de visitas

Le gazouillement des saisons.

Francesco Sinibaldi | 30/12/2023

J'écoute un
gazouillement qui
entre dans les
arbres avec une
douceur qui rappelle
la jeunesse, je
rêve la saison des
douces mélodies.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Breath of life. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 12/12/2023

Serenity appears
through the lights
of a beautiful
country while
everything shines
giving the gift of
the singing young
birds: that's the
portrait inspiring
the smile of children
who play...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Le souffle des pensées. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 28/12/2022

Je trouve dans
l'aube du matin
la douce atmosphère
d'une saison pleine
de grâce et alors,
quand le chant
de la neige revient
tendrement où l'eau
disparaît j'écoute,
en silence, la rime
des oiseaux...

Francesco Sinibaldi

While death is walking alone. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 25/09/2022

Like fear that
is shown in
the sound of
a permanent
weeping, through
the light of
frightened eyes
and then in
the shades of
a sullen present:
here comes the
death, carefully
dressed and with
a different smile...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Una imagen viva. ( third version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 26/06/2022

Amistoso canto
en el vivo
rayo de la fresca
mañana y una
rima templada
de nuevo regresa
cuando el sol,
besando los setos
y la dulce llanura,
exulta gozoso como
un soplo de luz:
siento la dicha en
mi frío corazón,
escucho el sonido
de ese viento

Francesco Sinibaldi

El país de los juguetes.

Francesco Sinibaldi | 20/03/2022

Ese dulce
sonido viene,
suavemente, como
el gozo que
recuerda la melodía
de los primeros
años, con el
fresco retrato
de la nueva

Francesco Sinibaldi

The Best Offer of The Year!

Coreysheem | 18/07/2021

This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices

QAP 22AM Inhomirim

Paulino | 12/09/2020

QTH Piabetá Magé EJ
Sempre estamos na canaleta 22 banda d do px, Agindo o PX Maior quem impedirá?

New search engine.

Jamesemben | 19/06/2020

[url=]New search engine. - 1000 000$ [/url]

To put it mildly Forex trading can be either one the best ways to make or lose Hard earned cash. Lastly, do share this article if locate it simple. I also been trading, the Forex for about a decade.
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If you are not sure how to speculate money as well as to invest to get ahead, don't start investing until realize some rules of the cloths line. Few things are black and white the particular investing world, but you'll avoid major mistakes activity . invest by simply following some simple guidelines.

Estação Barão Vermelho/Piabetá/RJ

Elizeu | 30/04/2019

Desde janeiro funciona a estação de rádio px no QTH Inhomirim 1ª região RJ, informando que a turma fica na canaleta 22 para um bate papo amigo e também estou na canaleta 31 ambos AM banda "D", agradeço o espaço PX1Y0325.

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